February 24, 2025
Join Marya as she delves into Avatar: The Last Airbender's captivating lore, engaging plot, and memorable characters that have made it a timeless classic.
Greetings dear viewers of this article. My name is Marya (I would much prefer it if you referred to me as Masha), and I am here to give you an honest review of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
As an avid fan of the TV show, I have watched it rise from the ashes and become popular again because of the new live-action series along with the popular update in Fortnite, where you get skins of characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender and the sequel The Legend of Korra. With passion, I have decided to produce a review of Avatar: The Last Airbender on a few of its aspects.
1: The lore
In summary, the concept is that the Avatar: The Last Airbender is a universe where you control the 4 natural elements; Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Most people can bend, but only some cannot bend, as it works like being left-handed or right-handed. There is such a thing that a person can master all 4 elements, that person is called the Avatar. There can be one Avatar, it’s impossible to have more than one.
As a fantasy genre fan, I have to say that this is the best kind of lore I’ve ever come across, and one exception is that I would like to see what it would be like if the plot was set in the distant future.
Final Rating: 5 stars
2: The Plot
In short, everything starts with the world having a century old world war, where the Fire Nation is dominating the world. Two siblings named Sokka and Katara, who live in the Southern Water Tribe, which is in Antarctica, set out on a fishing trip. Everything is fine, until they get caught in a fast water current, and Katara throws a tantrum at Sokka for messing things up and getting them stuck on a block of ice. She accidentally slashes an iceberg out of rage, and a random huge ice sphere floats up from the bottom of the ocean. In that sphere, they meet Aang, an air nomad who is the Avatar, and from that, they go on adventures to save the world from the Fire Nation (I’m not spoiling anything).
I’d say that starting the story with the side characters is a unique and very creative approach to starting a story, and having a character introduced to the plot by getting out of an ice sphere is a unique approach.
Final Rating: 4.8 stars
3: The Characters
I will shortly summarize the characters and their traits.
Aang: He’s 12, (technically 112 because he got stuck in that ice sphere for a century). He is the main protagonist and his personality is positive and optimistic. His character development goes from a boyish personality to a mature person who is mature and wise, and in between that, we get to see how he faced his problems (some of them are actually dealing with his sanity, which is what makes a character more interesting, and adds depth to the character development).
Katara: She’s 14 at the start of the show, and she starts out to be a girl who is also rather youthful yet a feminist, as she wants everyone to have equal rights, especially that time when she battles the best waterbending teacher to make him teach women how to use waterbending when in battle, as women weren’t allowed to go on battle, and were only allowed to use their waterbending to heal people. Her character development is one of the best character developments (in my opinion) as she grows to be a person who seeks equality for all and one of the most powerful waterbenders in the world.
Final Rating: 5 stars